2018 for Me

Nicholas Palichuk
2 min readJan 1, 2019

It’s December 31st at 5pm and I think this is the right time to reflect on my year.

This time last year I was back in Calgary, reading about Leonardo Da Vinci and playing Super Mario Odyssey.

In 2017, I read 1 book. “How to make friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but that book is total garbage. I don’t understand why it has so much praise. It was torture to get through. The gist of what I got out of it was “be nice and patient with people, and you will fulfill your ulterior motive”.

If that was a good book, I’m going to hate reading anything else.

Walter Issacsons Da Vinci biography was the next book I picked up after a few months and it was the greatest book I’ve ever read. I’ve never been so fascinated with a single person in my entire life. The amount of curiosity Leonardo had was intense. He wasn’t just painting to try and create masterpieces, he created paintings with everything he had ever observed or experimented with.

That book got me interested in reading more biographies. I read biographies on benjamin franklin, trevor noah, phil knight, richard branson, chris hadfield, and a number more this year. Each one of those books I could talk about for hours.

2018, was a year that I found a new passion of mine. In 2017 I would not have thought for a second that reading biographies was going to have such a massive impact on my life.

It’s astonishing to me that during 2018, “reading biographies” was one of the fondest things I remember.

I finished my bachelors, I incorporated my company, I met some awesome people who I now look up to, I helped a startup get the ball rolling, I was the interviewer in a job interview for the first time, I ran over 500 miles for fucks sakes, and I made my mom proud (I think; maybe not after that vulgar comment). But, 2018 was a successful year because I read about some cool people.

It doesn’t make sense, and that’s what I’m going into 2019 with.

I have no clue what’s going to make 2019 an awesome year. I’m going to set some goals for what makes me happy now, but if I’m being honest, I could grow some abnormally pretty flowers in 2019 and it might be the best year of my life :)

My overarching goal for 2019, is to just keep trying new things.

